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5 Core Exercises That Should Be a Staple in Your Home Exercise Program
The core is a very dynamic and adaptive component in the human body. Consisting of the musculature surrounding the trunk and capped by the pelvic floor and the diaphragm, the core is important for function in all aspects of life and in performance. Choosing the right core exercises can seem like a daunting and discouraging task especially when trying to navigate the oversaturated waters of social media. Here are 5 core exercises that should be a part of your program to give you the biggest bang for your buck.
Dead Bug
Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and arms at your sides. Bring your hips and knees to a 90/90 position with your arms up and palms facing in. Tuck your pelvis under by bringing your lumbar spine to a neutral position and engage your core. Keep that engagement and begin the exercise by lowering one arm while also extending the opposite leg. Make sure to keep your ankle flexed and return to starting position after tapping your heel and touching your thumb to the ground. Repeat with opposite limbs.
Bird Dog
Starting on your hands and knees in a quadruped position, tuck your pelvis under by bringing your lumbar spine to a neutral position and engage your core. Keep that engagement and begin the exercise by raising one arm while also extending the opposite leg. Make sure to kick that heel back to feel the hamstring and glute engagement. Slowly return to the starting position and keep the core engaged while transitioning to the opposite side. Repeat with opposite limbs.
Elevated KB Dead Lift
Starting with a kettlebell elevated on a platform. Tuck your pelvis under by bringing your lumbar spine to a neutral position. Hinge at your hips to lower down towards the kettlebell and squeeze the kettlebell with a firm grip while engaging your core. Take a deep breath in and extend fully at the hips. Exhale at the top without disengaging the core followed with another deep breath in. Lower down in another hip hinge pattern and return to starting position.
Half Kneeling Banded Pallof Press
Utilizing a cable or band, start in a half kneeling stance with the cable or band in your hands. Bring the band or cable to your chest just below your sternum. Position your hips by tucking your pelvis under and bringing your lumbar spine to a neutral position while engaging your core and glutes. Start the exercise by pressing the band or cable straight out in front of you without letting the band pull you to the side. Slowly return the band or cable to the chest and repeat.
Farmer’s Carry
Using an appropriate amount of weight, grasp the kettlebells with a firm grip by squeezing with full body intensity. Make sure to tuck your pelvis under by bringing your lumbar spine to a neutral position. Protect your spine by engaging your core and glutes. Don’t let the kettlebells pull you down. Keep your mid back engaged and your upper spine extended while maintaining tension into the core. Start the exercise by walking a moderate distance. Try taking smaller steps and don’t let the kettlebells pull you down to one side or forward. While walking, maintain tension into the hips, core and mid back.
Here at Team Elite Chiropractic, exercise is an integral component of our treatment plan and approach. Most often, core exercises are a great stepping stone in helping a patient overcome pain and improve strength and function. Building a strong and robust core will ultimately help you in everyday activities and be the best version of you. Having an exercise routine is about creating a foundation that can be built upon for a better and healthier lifestyle. Implementing core exercises is a key component in the foundation of function and strength. Interested in stepping up your core game? Call today at 858-633-8036 or schedule online directly from our website.